Sunday 9 June 2013

Project 2- Messages from the Past

In this assignment,we were asked to propose a play in a video from a specific civilization.The lecture had chosen an important event in the history for the play based on themes such as sociology, engineering ,archaeology or myth and legends of the civilization.  The event of our group is 'The RedCliffs Battle' of China Civilisation. Before we started the play, we had conducted a thorough research of the characteristics of the events. We search for many Chinese books and movies about RedCliffs and The Three Kingdoms. We search about the costumes, characters , events , the settings and so on in a group. After that, we started to collect and buy some materials and started to make our own costumes. Besides the video, we had to make a journal about the scripts, storyline, pictures, behind the scene and so on about the movie. For individual task, we needed to create a journal of my character. I need to demonstrate my full understanding of the chosen elements from the video. I had drawn and briefly describe the costumes, the scene, personalities and story of my character. We took about months to complete this project.
This is the video uploaded to the YouTube

The Individual Journal and group journal

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