Saturday 15 June 2013

JAN 2013 English 2 E-portfolio
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the module, we must be able to communicate according to the situation and purpose.
Secondly, we could demonstrate accuracy and fluency in the 4 language skills For example:listening, speaking, reading and writing. Thirdly, we needed to show critical understanding of language in context. Finally, we had to demonstrate effectiveness in expression.
After this module, I became better in analyzing and evaluating reading texts critically. At the end of the Writing sessions, we learnt to research, write a well developed and well organized 5-paragraph critical or argumentative essay as well as longer research essays with correct format and referencing techniques.
After the Listening sessions, I learnt to identify speaker’s role, expression, relationship and attitude as conveyed through stress and intonation as well as develop listening in preparation for a tertiary programme. At the end of the Speaking sessions, I developed interviewing skills, deliver presentations publically as well be able to apply argumentative strategies in specific situations.
Coursework and assignments
This module was graded in the form of coursework. It consists of two assignments, in-class assessments as well as a final examination and Class work.This was based on ongoing assessment of student work and performance in class throughout the semester. Work that was assigned in class on analyzing and evaluating texts and other listening tests that are done all contribute to this component of the grade. We had a debate for classwork. I done it in a group of 3 persons. The title of our debate issue is “ The sale of 4D numbers, lotteries and raffle tickets are a form of gambling and should be banned in Malaysia” We debated the selected issues that have been chosen on days determined by the lecturer. The format for the debates is three speakers a side with teams in each debate. After all speakers have spoken once, the first or second speaker for each side gives a reply speech, with the opposition reply going first and the proposition second. Speaking time for speeches is 5 minutes, and for reply speeches 3 minutes. So each debate topic will take 36 mins each.
Research Assignment
The research assignment was a group essay that is linked to a subject related to topics that students are studying this semester. Students will be guided through the assignment after they have identified a topic and through the preparation of research questions, interviews and drafts until the final product was sent in.
Final Exam
The final exam will consist of two components. The first component is a critical reading and critical thinking section while the second component is an essay section. The critical reading tests the ability of students to skim, scan and read an unseen passage critically and analytically. The critical thinking questions will test the ability of students to identify and correct rhetorical fallacies. The essay section tests the ability of students to write argumentative essays on a range of topics that have been covered in this module as well as various other modules this semester.
English E-Portfolio

We need to do one portfolio, which is an edited document to include all the work produced in this module. We needed to compile their assignments and selected work digitally with a reflection on what we have learned from each assignment this semester. The portfolio is used to as a record of students’ progress and reflections of the acquisition of Learning Outcomes for English 2 Jan 2013.These are the photos we took when we were interviewing a mobile phone shop in Penang.

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