Friday 14 June 2013

Effective Public Communication (EPC)

Effective Public Communication(EPC) E-portfolio
The aim of this subject is to understand the concepts of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and how people behave and communicate in different situations. We need to demonstrate the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels.
After this module, I learnt to explain the concepts of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and how people behave and communicate in different situations. Besides that, I have to apply the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. We have done some assignments to demonstrate an ability to analyse and response to handling conflict as well as efficient negotiation skills in dealing with variety of individuals. After this module, I’m more aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, lecturers, co-workers and clients. I found that these qualities are very important if I become an architect in future. I must have good communication skills to communicate well with my clients and colleagues.
I found myself is not clear about the different cultures of other races. I have to read more and learn more about the cultural differences of different people to avoid conflicts. I have learnt a more effective way to study in this subject which is take notes when the lecturer is giving the lecture in the class. I wrote down some of the important points about the communication in the class. Before the exam, I read through all the notes I had written down in my notebook. I found that this is a more effective way to learn EPC. I can remember more about the theories and concepts taught by the lecturer in class.
In this subject, we had Class Test, Individual Essay and Group project. I think that the class test is very good for us because it makes us to read through all the notes before exam. My weakness is I revise lately and I don’t have sufficient to prepare for the exam. I got a bad grade in my exam but I never give up, I tried to do my best in the other assignment.

First assignment-Individual essay
The individual essay is designed to assess ours ability to apply the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and group levels. Four topics were given to us and we needed to choose one of them. The format of the assessment will be an 800-1000 word essay.
Group Project

We formed and worked together in a group. We had chosen a topic from a range of current controversial topics which research, understand and analyze had to be done. This will involve an understanding why there is conflict, as well as propose a solution to the problem. The group project will demonstrate mastery of selected concepts from the course selected by students. We were expected to show application of the principles of communication at individual and at group levels as well as awareness of the importance of cultural differences of these concepts be manifested by translating the selected concepts to the medium of a dialogue script or through graphics. Images, drawings, text and so on must be well edited, legible and composed. We did a script about listening in a group. We separated our work and we successfully done the script and stories in 3 days. Finally, we presented the script to the lecturer individually. This is the photo I took during the presentation day of the group assignment. We had to wear formal attire for presentation. The other photos are about listen. ‘Listen’ is the theme of our script. We done it in a group.

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