Monday 17 June 2013

Introduction to Business

I have a better understanding of the basic concepts of business by attending classes and doing assignment,projects. It serves to provide an informative background on the business systems and to help us understand the different types of business organizations, the ways to create and conduct business, the know-how in managing a business and the importance of ethics and social responsibility of businesses.

 Assignment 1 and Class test.

We did a report of a construction business. We are developers and we are going to build and sell houses. We did a report of marketing, sales strategy, human resources, promotions and so on. After that, we had to present some presentation slides in the class. We also needed to have a hardcopy of the report to be submitted to the lecture. We also had a class test which consists of 35% marks. I did well in this test, thanks to the lecture notes slides by the lecturer. I read through all the notes and it was summarised in short and easy to understand.

Final Project 

We need to do real business in Taylors Lakeside Campus. We have to sell things in front of the Student Life Centre. It was during The Charity Drive, We were to come up with a small business selling products of our choice where the profits earned will be donated to a charity organisation. My group decided to donate our profits to Yayasan Nanyang Press Foundation. We decided to sell sunglasses, phone covers, lighters, earjack and so on.

 I was happy to be in one group with Wei How, Yong Ming, Zachary,Peter Phang. We faced tough challenges along the way but I learned to manage and deal with our customers and supplier. After this charity drive event, I have learned how to start up a small business and I realized it is very tough but interesting. We needed to have a good management process which consisted plan, organize, lead and control. I was glad that we had this project as it brought us to have a closer understanding about the business world. After the project, I send the profit personally to the manager of the Yayasan Nanyang Press in Nanyang Newspaper Headquarter, Petaling Jaya.

When I represented my business group to sent the donation to Yayasan Nanyang Press.

Me and the manager of Yayasan Nanyang Press. I received the official Receipt from her.

The office in Petaling Jaya.

The receipt I got from the Charity Foundation as a prove to my members and lecturer.

Photos during Classwork

We drawn the chart for human resources of a company.After that, we presented it in the class.

My group mate, Wei How was concentrating on his drawings and writings.

Principle of Economics

We all want more than we can get. We want good health and long lives. We want spacious and comfortable homes. We want new things. We want the time to enjoy our favourite sports, video games ,books, music , movies and so on. Human wants exceed the resources available to satisfy them, and this fact is the source of all economic questions and problem. That's why I want to take this subject instead of mathematics. This is 5 credit hours subject which my dad needs to pay more if I take it. I'm interested with this subject because what I learnt from it can be applied in my daily life. My lecturer, Mr Joe taught us well. He told us not scare of this subject even you don't have any basics in your secondary school. I like the slang when he is talking and he is funny when teaching. He makes me feel interesting learning economics. I tried my best to understand and pay attention in class.

 Economics is the social science that studies the choices that individuals, businesses, government, and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity, the incentives that influence those choices, and the arrangements that coordinate them. I find that the principles are quite interesting like people face trade offs, opportunity cost, people respond to incentives, and marginal cost and benefit.This subject was a bit of a challenge to me as I never took any basic economic in secondary school before. 

Assignment : A Tale of Two business - A Comparative Analysis of 2 Businesses of Similar Industry in Different Geographical Locations

This is a group work assignment. My group members are Chay Chien Yu and Tan Ceng Weng. I'm the leader of this group.We had selected mobile phone Business for our business research. We had interviewed a mobile phone business in Penang which located  near to Komtar, and opposite of Burmah Road’s TM office and a mobile phone shop in Subang Jaya which is near to Taylors college and Inti college. We compared and studied the two businesses.

                              Play Monopoly to study Monopoly well

I was so happy that we played monopoly in class. After the game, the lecturer gave us a short lecture about the principles of economics that are related to Monopoly game.

Saturday 15 June 2013

JAN 2013 English 2 E-portfolio
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the module, we must be able to communicate according to the situation and purpose.
Secondly, we could demonstrate accuracy and fluency in the 4 language skills For example:listening, speaking, reading and writing. Thirdly, we needed to show critical understanding of language in context. Finally, we had to demonstrate effectiveness in expression.
After this module, I became better in analyzing and evaluating reading texts critically. At the end of the Writing sessions, we learnt to research, write a well developed and well organized 5-paragraph critical or argumentative essay as well as longer research essays with correct format and referencing techniques.
After the Listening sessions, I learnt to identify speaker’s role, expression, relationship and attitude as conveyed through stress and intonation as well as develop listening in preparation for a tertiary programme. At the end of the Speaking sessions, I developed interviewing skills, deliver presentations publically as well be able to apply argumentative strategies in specific situations.
Coursework and assignments
This module was graded in the form of coursework. It consists of two assignments, in-class assessments as well as a final examination and Class work.This was based on ongoing assessment of student work and performance in class throughout the semester. Work that was assigned in class on analyzing and evaluating texts and other listening tests that are done all contribute to this component of the grade. We had a debate for classwork. I done it in a group of 3 persons. The title of our debate issue is “ The sale of 4D numbers, lotteries and raffle tickets are a form of gambling and should be banned in Malaysia” We debated the selected issues that have been chosen on days determined by the lecturer. The format for the debates is three speakers a side with teams in each debate. After all speakers have spoken once, the first or second speaker for each side gives a reply speech, with the opposition reply going first and the proposition second. Speaking time for speeches is 5 minutes, and for reply speeches 3 minutes. So each debate topic will take 36 mins each.
Research Assignment
The research assignment was a group essay that is linked to a subject related to topics that students are studying this semester. Students will be guided through the assignment after they have identified a topic and through the preparation of research questions, interviews and drafts until the final product was sent in.
Final Exam
The final exam will consist of two components. The first component is a critical reading and critical thinking section while the second component is an essay section. The critical reading tests the ability of students to skim, scan and read an unseen passage critically and analytically. The critical thinking questions will test the ability of students to identify and correct rhetorical fallacies. The essay section tests the ability of students to write argumentative essays on a range of topics that have been covered in this module as well as various other modules this semester.
English E-Portfolio

We need to do one portfolio, which is an edited document to include all the work produced in this module. We needed to compile their assignments and selected work digitally with a reflection on what we have learned from each assignment this semester. The portfolio is used to as a record of students’ progress and reflections of the acquisition of Learning Outcomes for English 2 Jan 2013.These are the photos we took when we were interviewing a mobile phone shop in Penang.

Friday 14 June 2013

Effective Public Communication (EPC)

Effective Public Communication(EPC) E-portfolio
The aim of this subject is to understand the concepts of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and how people behave and communicate in different situations. We need to demonstrate the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels.
After this module, I learnt to explain the concepts of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and how people behave and communicate in different situations. Besides that, I have to apply the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. We have done some assignments to demonstrate an ability to analyse and response to handling conflict as well as efficient negotiation skills in dealing with variety of individuals. After this module, I’m more aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, lecturers, co-workers and clients. I found that these qualities are very important if I become an architect in future. I must have good communication skills to communicate well with my clients and colleagues.
I found myself is not clear about the different cultures of other races. I have to read more and learn more about the cultural differences of different people to avoid conflicts. I have learnt a more effective way to study in this subject which is take notes when the lecturer is giving the lecture in the class. I wrote down some of the important points about the communication in the class. Before the exam, I read through all the notes I had written down in my notebook. I found that this is a more effective way to learn EPC. I can remember more about the theories and concepts taught by the lecturer in class.
In this subject, we had Class Test, Individual Essay and Group project. I think that the class test is very good for us because it makes us to read through all the notes before exam. My weakness is I revise lately and I don’t have sufficient to prepare for the exam. I got a bad grade in my exam but I never give up, I tried to do my best in the other assignment.

First assignment-Individual essay
The individual essay is designed to assess ours ability to apply the principles of communication and behavior in analyzing interaction with others, both at individual and group levels. Four topics were given to us and we needed to choose one of them. The format of the assessment will be an 800-1000 word essay.
Group Project

We formed and worked together in a group. We had chosen a topic from a range of current controversial topics which research, understand and analyze had to be done. This will involve an understanding why there is conflict, as well as propose a solution to the problem. The group project will demonstrate mastery of selected concepts from the course selected by students. We were expected to show application of the principles of communication at individual and at group levels as well as awareness of the importance of cultural differences of these concepts be manifested by translating the selected concepts to the medium of a dialogue script or through graphics. Images, drawings, text and so on must be well edited, legible and composed. We did a script about listening in a group. We separated our work and we successfully done the script and stories in 3 days. Finally, we presented the script to the lecturer individually. This is the photo I took during the presentation day of the group assignment. We had to wear formal attire for presentation. The other photos are about listen. ‘Listen’ is the theme of our script. We done it in a group.