Wednesday 12 December 2012

Study Trip during Activity Week to Russia

Lecturers Miss Ang and Mr Edwin together with students visited old folks home in Moscow,Russia
It was cloudy during the first few days in Moscow.This is the St. Basil Catheral in Mosow,Russia.
It was about 0 to 5 degree celcius in Moscow,very cold.Thanks to Taylors University School of Architecture so that I can join this trip and have a chance to go Russia.It was a marvelous trip together with Dean,QS lecturer,Architecture lecturer and Interior Design lecturer.They were very helpful and they explained some of the details about buildings and architecture to the students.
Sketches done by students
Me and my friend,Wayne Tan.The only 2 person in FNBE joined the Russia study trip by School of Architecture,Building and Design.

Dean of School of Architecture,Building and Design(SABD),Mr Tony Liew.He was looking at some paintings.

The Kremlin,Moscow

Summer Palace of Russian Tsars(king) in St Petersburg

Cathedral in St Petersburg
                                                Interior of the winter palace/state hermitage

For more photos of russia,u can add me in facebook.

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